Union Sunday School
Union Church was located on the northern line of Monroe Township. It was a one-
room building to the north of McCoskrie Cemetery and it was lit by carbide
lamps. Women sat on one side, men on the other. Once my mother gave me a
scolding for sitting on Marshall Bryan's lap in the men's section. The ladies
also held their quilting bees in this church building on weekday afternoons.
In later years it was opened only for funerals of its members.
I know there are local folks who can find their parents among these faces
-- particularly in the group of children up front. I can identify John
McCoskrie (under "Sunday" on the sign). That looks like his wife, Mertie,
in the white hat to John's right and slightly behind. I believe that's Marshall
Bryan standing next to John on his left (under "School") and Marshall's wife,
Ona, to Marshall's left (black hat with lots of ribbons/feathers). Behind Ona
is Nell Skinner (white hat with black band) and I believe that's Frank
Skinner to Nell's left. At the far right, standing next to the man with the
long white beard, is Murl Toner. And I think I'd be pretty safe in guessing
that's one of the Higgins brothers -- Nell Skinner's brother -- hiding behind
the tree on the far right.
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