Allen, Beverly S. | McCrary, James Garfield | Whitt, Estes |
Allen, Danny Ray | McCrary, Ulysses Grant | Whitt, Estes Jr. |
Baker, Faye | McCrary, Vera | Whitt, Gladys E. |
Bicentennial Farms | McGill School 1909 | Whitt, James E. |
Bolling, Duane | McKim, Sallie E. | Whitt, James family |
Boor, Alva | Parker, Elizabeth | Whitt, James L. |
Chrisman, Emmaline | Place, Mary Ellen | Whitt, Joseph Owen |
Culver, Sophia E. | Roundy, Mary E. | Whitt, Newman |
Dominique, Vera | Ruhl,Audra Wood | Whitt, Paul |
Hickory Grove School | Sell School | Whitt School 1917 |
Hickory Grove School | Sell School | Whitt School |
Hickory Grove School | Sell School | Whitt, William S. |
Hickory Grove School | Sell School 1938 | Wood, Howard |
Hickory Grove School | Sell School 1939 | Wood, Joseph Abb |
Kimball, Hannah | Sell School 1950 | Wood, Joseph family |
Kimball, Hannah | Wallace, Asa | Wood, Joseph family |
Love, Sarah P. | Wallace, Asa | Wood, Marion F. |
Love, Vic | Wallace, Ida | Wood, Nora |
McCrary, Ella | Wallace, Ida Jane | Wood, William A. |
McCrary Faye | Wesley Chapel | |
McCrary home | Whitt, Elijah | |
Thanks to Beverly (Wood) Allen of Hamilton, Missouri for sharing these photos!